Monday, August 9, 2010

Final 11 Tools Post!!

Yeah! I made it!!
I would like the thank The Academy for giving me this opportunity to succeed! And to all my family, friends, and you, my fans: HUGS and KISSES!!
My favorite tool was #*, the video resourcing. Through this I was able to sit down and just search for videos on the web that I can use in my classroom. There are tons! Very nice tool that is! I found lots of nursery rhyme and folk tale videos that I will use during my nursery rhyme lessons. The kids will love it!
Through this process I have learned about lots of new technology tools that I can use. Now to find the time to squeeze them into my jam-packed day.
I realized that this process was not as bad as I thought it would be. I had my doubts, but it turned out to be pretty useful.

Tool #11

Oh yeah! I am on my last tool!!

Let's see, 3 things I want to teach my students about being good digital citizens. Hmm.

1) Most importantly I need to teach them to recognize content that is not healthy for them to see and report it. Remember, I teach four-year-olds so this is important!

2) I would like them to always be respectful in the future. Anyone can read their pages and I would like them to know how to keep it clean!

3) I hope that in the future they will respect and obey the rules of the technology use, wherever they are. You can get into big trouble by not following the rules. Everything you do in cyberspace is traceable!!!

Tool #10

This tool is easy for me because I have an iPhone. I use apps all the time for my son who is four. I like to get a lot of free educational apps for him to use, and he loves them. I just found this one that has tracing of letters and numbers. This app is especially useful because it demonstrates the proper order in which to write letters and numbers. This is so helpful for the kids. I plan to download this app to my iTouches in my classroom, as well as many of the others I already have.

Here's my question: Is this grant going to provide us with money or an account to purchase apps, or are we going to have to be satisfied using only free apps? The free apps can only do so much!

Tool #9

Honestly I won't be using these things with my kids. I teach 4 year olds so they don't yet have that technology experience. I can see it being used in the high schools though, it will probably be second nature for the older kids.

I think the older kids could skype each other to do group projects instead of having to travel to meet each other. And teachers could hold study groups or homework help on skype. That would be so useful!

Tool #8

This is hialrious! I would actually use it for a laugh at staff development. It's a message on the school phone system about the commom problems schools face. Super funny!

ABC song

Five Little Monkeys

Another Five Little Monkeys

Another Five Little Monkeys

I can search for popular kids songs and nursery rhymes and we can watch and compare tons of them. This assignment was actually fun!!

Tool #7

Ok this tool is driving me crazy! It will NOT work! So for now, I have to skip. Maybe later!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Tool #7

Yeah! Here's my photostory! It finally works! Enjoy!!

Tool #6

Using wikis in the pre-k classroom:
This might be a little hard since the little critters can't read yet! So using the wikis will be teacher led and directed. Some things the kids will like to do is to creat their own stories. Kids this age love to see their work in print and published, and they love to think they did it all on their own!
I also like the idea of posting newsletters on the wiki. This will be great for team communication!

Tool #5

I picked a great site called
The tag is "phonics" because it is filled with phonics activities.

I also picked
It has lots of games and activities using the shows from TV, so I tagged it "games."

These tags are helpful because as I add websites to my favorites, I can pull them up easily and find what I am looking for quickly. I like how the tags can pull up multiple webistes with just one word!!

Tool #4

I chose 6 blogs to follow. Some are friends and some are former teammates, and one is even a former administrator of mine!
I shared my Google Doc with a friend who really needs the information!

Tool #3

Wordle: title="Wordle: Untitled"> src=""
alt="Wordle: Untitled"
style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd">


These 2 tools I used would be great to represent words or ideas that are important. I chose our pre-k school supplies list! It's cute!!

Tool #2

1. Tool #2 seems like a great idea. I would love to be able to talk to other pre-k teachers in the district and share ideas. The PLN is a great resource for me to talk to others.
2. The commenting advice I found especially helpful was to ask questions. If you ask questions, at least one person will answer, right?
3. Rafael-edublog, Perdida in Space, Moni-K's Musings, Shelly Horne, Garza's Blog

Tool #1

Tool number one wasn't so hard! I had an excellent teacher who helped me breeze through it. Thanks A!!

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